At its core a Corporate Governance Code provides a guide on the arrangements that govern the interactions between the owners and the managers of a business. It sets the relevant limits for the different decision-making bodies of a company and the rules and procedures that safeguard decision-making by the different decision-making bodies of a company. 

A company Corporate Governance Code needs at the very least to comply with the prevailing legal and regulatory environment in the country of incorporation and operations of the company. And a good Corporate Governance Code will go further and mark the company as best-in-class. 

We work collaboratively with owners and management teams to assess the legal and regulatory requirements in respect of Corporate Governance and we go further in identifying aspects of Corporate Governance where they can go further for the benefit of the business. Our deliverables include not only an assessment of existing arrangements but also the formulation of a Corporate Governance Code that not only ensures compliance but also best-in-class excellence.

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