Corporate Governance is an essential ingredient in the well being of companies and by extension economies. In its absence, or when practiced poorly, the risk of company failure increases significantly.

In many countries, companies are required to comply with specific Codes of Corporate Governance. The requirements placed on companies by these codes are often linked to the size of the companies concerned. In case of listed companies, compliance with the relevant Code of Corporate Governance is expected by capital providers and other stakeholders.

When companies fail, their failures are sometimes attributed to non-compliance with specific aspects of Corporate Governance or even aspects of governance that were not sufficiently covered by the existing Corporate Governance Code(s). Consequently, high profile company failures can sometimes lead to reviews and updates of existing Codes of Corporate Governance with the intention of minimizing the risk of future failures. It follows that Corporate Governance is a discipline which is dynamic and constantly evolving.

Businesses controlled by families come in all sizes. From the corner shop to multi-generational corporates, they represent a significant and vibrant part of any economy. And when they are structured as companies, they benefit from the practice of corporate governance, the same way as any other company. 

Family Governance is an essential ingredient for the healthy relationship between a family and the business(es) the family controls. Without Family Governance, family disagreements and/or disputes can pose an existential risk to the family business. And in the absence of Family Governance, any challenges and difficulties encountered by the family business can spill over and cause long lasting damage to the very fabric of the family.

We believe that Good Corporate Governance and Family Governance are necessary, if not sufficient ingredients, that extend the longevity of family businesses and enhance their prospects of being multi-generational businesses.

This site offers various resources intended to promote Good Corporate Governance and Family Governance. Some are available to all visitors. Other resources are available on an annual subscription basis. We are also able to provide bespoke services to suit the particular needs of individual clients.

The Knowledgebase

Free Content

We provide free introductory downloadable materials on key Corporate and Family Governance topics.

Premium Content

Our Premium content section contains downloadable materials on the key elements of Corporate and Family Governance. The materials cover each topic in a more in-depth manner than the materials available at our Free Content Section. These materials are structured as self-contained presentations but can also be used as materials for workshops and seminars for small groups.

Paid for Services


We are a group of like-minded, multilingual professionals who care deeply about Corporate Governance and consider it the glue that holds companies strong and improve their chances of longevity. We also consider Family Governance as a necessary condition for preserving family control in family businesses across multiple generations. We are generalists with many years of advisory and executive experiences across different industries and different countries.

Christos Christou

Alejandro Marchionna Faré


To contact us, feel free to fill the form below or reach directly at or + 44 (0) 77 11 418734.

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