Free Content

Having identified the key elements of Corporate and Family Governance in our Definitions and Benefits page, we provide free complementary introductory downloadable materials as described and listed below.

1. Corporate Governance in a family business – an Introduction (12 pages)

We examine the fundamentals of Corporate Governance and how they apply in a family business setting.

2. Board Function and materials for Board decision-making (19 pages)

We consider the function of a Board of Directors and examine the nature of the materials it needs to receive in order to discharge its duties and responsibilities.

3. Risk Management – an Introduction (16 pages)

We consider the role Risk Management plays in Corporate Governance and we discuss the Risk Management Matrix tool for facilitating prioritization and allocation of management time and resources in managing risks.

4. Corporate Governance Failures – Implications & Examples (10 pages)

We examine the implications of Corporate Governance failures and how companies can be affected by financial distress experienced by a key counterparty and we note some examples of Corporate Governance Failures.

5. Corporate Governance Guide for Unlisted companies in United Kingdom – Summary based on IoD Guide (31 pages)

We summarise the IoD’s Guide on Corporate Governance for Unlisted companies in the United Kingdom, focusing on what we consider are its most universal observations and recommendations. For anyone interested in the full guide, we have a link to it in our Evolution of Corporate Governance section and also here.

6. Family Governance – an Introduction (14 pages)

We consider the elements of Family Governance and explain the nature of the interaction between the family and the business which contributes to the longevity of the family controlled business.

7. Summary Family Governance Checklist (1 page)

We provide a short checklist that will help establish the nature of the existing family governance arrangements.

8. Relevance & Use of Internal Audit Function in a Family Business (19 pages)

We consider the role that an Internal Audit Function plays in the Corporate Governance arrangements of the family controlled business and offer some recommendations.



Given their introductory natures the materials are purposely succinct and do not cover every aspect of the subject matter. For each of these elements of Corporate and Family Governance we also have more in-depth downloadable materials in our Premium Content section. You can preview these materials in the Preview Content sub-section.
