Full Premium Content Package (458 pages)

Welcome to our Premium Content Section which contains downloadable materials on the key elements of Corporate and Family Governance. The materials cover each topic in more in-depth manner than the materials available at our Free Content Section. These materials are structured as self-contained presentations but can also be used as materials for workshops and seminars for small groups. They are available as a package which also includes up to 5 hours of workshops and training with the founder of the website and author of the materials, Christos Christou, or one of his colleagues. Some of the materials are also available individually without being accompanied by workshops or training.

1. Family Business Governance (64 pages) – Free Preview (4 pages)

We examine the role Corporate Governance and the Family Governance play in a family controlled business. We review inter alia at succession planning, matching of oversight body to evolution of the family business and family employment policies and offer recommendations on best practices.

This material can also be purchased separately here (Price: £ 25 + VAT if applicable)


2. Constructing a Family Constitution (18 pages)

We review the function and a Family Constitution and the process by which a Family Constitution can be formulated and offer our recommendations on how a family can initiate and manage this process.


3. Corporate Governance Benchmark Questionnaire (15 pages)

As the name implies, a questionnaire that allows users to examine the prevailing Corporate Governance arrangements of a company and prioritize areas for action/improvement.


4. Red Flags of Corporate Governance Failures (23 pages)

We draw lessons from corporate governance failures and identify potential red flags for such failures.


5. Board Audit Committee (56 pages) – Free Preview (2 pages)

We provide an in-depth look at the role and function of the Board Audit Committee, which forms a very important part of Corporate Governance.

This material can also be purchased separately here (Price – £ 25 + VAT if applicable)


6. Internal Audit Function Charter and Best practice (70 pages) –  Free Preview (2 pages)

We provide an in-depth look at the function of the Internal Audit function and provide recommendations on its charter and best practice for it.

This material can also be purchased separately here (Price: £ 25 + VAT if applicable)


7. Risk Management – a Workshop (65 pages) – Free Preview (2 pages)

We provide an in-depth look at the discipline of Risk Management from the perspective of managing various aspects of financial risk.


8. Board of Directors Function and Materials (42 pages)

We provide an in-depth review of the function of Boards of Directors and the materials that facilitate the effective discharge of their duties.


9. Balanced Board of Directors Framework and Tool (11 pages)

We provide a conceptual framework to think about and a tool for achieving a balanced board of Directors.


10. Captive Insurance (29 pages) – Free Preview (3 pages)

We examine the role Captive Insurance can play in the context of Risk Management and the family controlled business.


11. Materials for Finance Providers – a Seminar (65 pages) –  Free Preview (2 pages)

We provide an in-depth analysis and guide on how to consider and prepare materials for finance providers, including lenders and equity investors.

This material can also be purchased separately here (Price – £ 25 + VAT if applicable)


You have already purchased this product and can download the full versions of the files by clicking the links bellow:

For a one time payment of £1,250 (plus applicable VAT for UK residents) you receive :

Up to 5 hours of remote consultation or training on materials and topics included in the Premium Content section with a consultant from a Family Governance Associates.

Access to all premium content (total of 458 pages of material).

£1,250.00 + VAT if aplicable